SPF Protection in Cloud Web Hosting
If you host your domains in a cloud web hosting account with us and we handle the emails for them, you'll be able to enable SPF protection for all of them with several clicks inside your Hepsia Control Panel. The service is accessible in a section of its own where you will be able to see which domain names are already secured. For those that are not, you can enable the SPF protection service and set up various things during the process - the hostnames of the mail servers that are allowed to send messages from your email addresses, the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of these servers, as well as to create a rule that messages can be sent only if your domains have our MX records. The aforementioned choice is the most secure one, but it can be used if we handle the e-mail addresses for your domain names and you're not using a different email service provider. The newly generated records will propagate within 1 day and nobody will be able to fake the FROM field in an e-mail by using your addresses.
SPF Protection in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you have a semi-dedicated server account from us, you will be able to secure your emails by activating the SPF security service for any domain in your account with only a few mouse-clicks. You can do this from the Emails section of our Hepsia Control Panel that comes with the semi-dedicated accounts and even in case you have no previous experience with these things, you will not have any trouble to activate the protection. The only things that you'll need to do is to find a domain name from a drop-down menu then type the mail server hostname and IPv4 or IPv6 address. The moment the updated record propagates, messages from your email addresses will be mailed globally only if they are sent from that specific server. When your emails are handled by our company and not by some third-party provider, you'll also be able to take advantage of an option for e-mail messages to be mailed only when the domain features our MX records and this is the most secure option. When you have any questions about thisfunction, you will be able to get in touch with our tech support crew 24/7.