In the WP HEROES S.R.L. Online Control Panel, you will find an array of Advanced Resources. They are developed for cloud hosting clients who’re experienced with handling their hosting environment. Having said that, due to the simple to use interface of the Online Control Panel, they are really straightforward to make use of, even for beginners. What is more, we have included a selection of in–depth how–to videos to help unskilled clients promptly figure out how to work with the tools!

Hotlink Protection

Safeguard yourself from traffic theft

Whenever you make original content there’s always someone that will attempt to use it devoid of your approval. It relates equally to text and images. This is the time the Hotlink Protection tool built into the Online Control Panel will truly assist you. With just a click, you are going to secure all photos on your site by preventing other websites from backlinking to them.

By result of this, you won’t just end people from stealing your pictures, but you will at the same time make sure you follow your monthly data traffic restriction.

Hotlink Protection

.htaccess generator

Automated generation of .htaccess files

Thanks to the .htaccess file, it’s easy to manage your site – set redirections, come up with security password shielded folders, and so much more. From the WP HEROES S.R.L. Online Control Panel, you can quickly set up completely new .htaccess files applying our impressive .htaccess Generator.

You do not need to know anything at all with regards to .htaccess files so as to use WP HEROES S.R.L.’s .htaccess Generator. Merely define the alterations you want to produce employing the tool’s intuitive point and click interface and it will easily produce the necessary code on your behalf.

.htaccess Generator

IP blocking

Stop malevolent IPs from your website

If you have a well–liked site, at some time you become a victim of spammers and destructive website visitors. You can protect all of your websites from such activities when using the IP blocking instrument included in WP HEROES S.R.L.’s Online Control Panel. The tool will assist you to timely block an IP address or an entire range of IP addresses with merely a mouse–click.

Put together with WP HEROES S.R.L.’s complete web stats and our GeoIP redirection software instruments, the IP Blocking tool will help you effectively deal with the ways to access your web site.

IP Blocking

PHP configuration

Alter the PHP rules for your personal web site

In the event the app you’re using demands a specific PHP build, or, if you intend to make any PHP tweaks, you can quickly make that happen within the WP HEROES S.R.L. Online Control Panel. You are able to change the PHP release with a click of your computer mouse, picking from older PHP variants to the present steady PHP launch. It’s also possible to immediately customize the most important adjustments inside of the php.ini file, or create a full overhaul of how your PHP release works.

It’s not necessary to wait for hours and hours or reactivate anything at all for your alterations to take effect. The changes are carried out live the second you save them.

PHP Configuration

Cron Jobs

Generate automatic planned jobs

Inside the WP HEROES S.R.L. Online Control Panel, we have launched a hassle–free and intuitive user interface for configuring fresh or controlling current cron jobs – the Cronjob Manager. A cron job really is a scheduled activity – normally a script, that’s run at pre–set intervals of time. It may be a basic script for looking at if your web site is online, an emailing script, a web site functionality record, etc.

You can actually set up take advantage of cron jobs with all WP HEROES S.R.L.’s cloud hosting plans. For those who demand further cron jobs, you can always obtain more as an upgrade.

Cron jobs

Password Protection

Simple way to guard all your data

If you want to create a place within your site that will be seen merely to the individuals you want, it’s possible to benefit from our Password Protection instrument. Making use of it it’s easy to generate a username and password protected directory which will be secured and accessible only to you and anybody else whom you share the sign in details with.

The directory will be guarded without delay and nobody else will be able to see exactly what is on the inside. You will be the only person who will be in the position to adjust or change it unless you choose to approve additional customers to access it.

Password Protection

URL redirection

URL re–direction with only several clicks

In the WP HEROES S.R.L. Online Control Panel, you are able to speedily redirect your web site to a different location thanks to the URL Redirection instrument. It’s actually user–friendly – all you have to make is state where your domain name is going to be linked to. No requirement for any .htaccess files, PHP redirections, DNS adjustments, etc. to be made. Your website can be sent straight all the way to the brand new spot immediately.

You can actually cease the domain name re–direction whenever you want. All you have to actually do is navigate to the URL Redirection tool and disable the domain name re–direction. Your domain name will begin to start linking to the original location.

URL Redirection